Voyage au Japon


10 recommended spots for summer sightseeing in Kyoto

In summer Kyoto, you can see many traditional Japanese scenery. If you will visit Kyoto in summer, we introduce you to 10 recommended spots you can enjoy.

Shikoku Henro tour – Touring 88 places of pilgrimage

Henro is an act of pilgrimage the whole of Shikoku while based at eighty-eight bill places in Shikoku. It is said that the eighty-eight temples are all old and have a history with the great master (Kobo-Daishi). Kobo-Daishi was trained in Shikoku, the place of birth. Therefore, Kobo Daishi thought about his own way of life, sought for an ideal, prayed to convey it to as many people as possible, and made an effort. In this article, we tell you the origin of the Shikoku pilgrimage and the attitude to take part in the pilgrimage tour.

Where’s Japan’s Best Soba? soba ranking 20 in Tokyo published in Michelin Guide

If you travel in Tokyo, we recommend eating soba. There are many delicious soba in Tokyo. We introduce you to the top 20 soba restaurants in Tokyo ranked in the Michelin Guide in 2018. All stores may require reservations, so please call the listed contact in advance.

Japan’s new era name is decided to be ‘Reiwa’. What that means

On April 1st, 2019, Japan's new era name was decided to be "令和(Reiwa)". The new era name "Reiwa" is taken from the "reigetsu(令月)" of the plum blossom song of Japan's oldest poetry anthology "Manyoshu".

Gion Festival in Kyoto – A Festival representing Japan

"Gion Festival" is a festival of Yasaka Shrine and one of the three major festivals in Japan.Its long history, luxury, and scale over a month are widely known, and has been developed as a festival of Kyoto towns.It is also said to be representative of the Japanese summer festival.

Meiji Jingu – the power spot of love fulfillment in Harajuku, Tokyo –

Meiji Jingu Shrine, located in Harajuku, in the middle of Tokyo, is a popular spot that many people visit as a well-accessed and easily accessible shrine.The number of worshipers in New Year is the highest in the country every year, and in recent years many tourists from foreign countries have visited.

“Dogo Onsen”, the oldest Japanese hot spring (Matsuyama, Ehime, Shikoku)

We recommend you Japanese oldest hot spring "Dogo Onsen". It is one of Japanese three oldest hot springs in Japan and has a history of more than 3000 years.
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