Kairakuen – The beautiful harmony of yin and yang

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The famous plum tourist attraction in Mito, Ibaraki Prefecture, dates back to 1842 and is one of the three most famous gardens in Japan.

The ninth-generation lord of the Mito clan, Tokugawa Nariaki, opened Mt.Shichimen facing Lake Senba and named the place “Kairakuen” with the desire to make it a place to enjoy with the people of the territory.

We will introduce the highlights of the historical famous garden, Kairakuen.

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Four seasons of Kairakuen

Many people associate with plums when they hear Kairakuen. It is recognized by people as a famous plum spot.

In fact, more than 3,000 plum trees of 100 varieties are planted in the park, and when the plum blossoms are in full bloom, it becomes a spectacular scenery.

However, the highlight of Kairakuen is not only plums.

You can enjoy cherry blossoms in spring, azaleas and cedar forests in summer, hedges and autumn leaves in autumn, and flowers of the season throughout the year.

A world of harmony between yin and yang

Below we will introduce some recommended routes in the park.

In this regard, Tokugawa Yoshiaki writes in Kairakuenki : Based on the principle that all things grow healthy by the harmony of the opposite of yin and yang, human beings must also bend and stretch to harmonize their bodies and minds and train.

Kairakuen has both sides of the yin and the yang, and the two opposite sides are divided by the middle gate in the garden.

When you enter from the main gate of Kairakuen, there is a shadowy (yin) world where Moso bamboo and Osugi forest grow.

The shaded world is a quiet space surrounded by greenery, which will ease the tension of walking people.

Driving down the middle gate, along the way, reveals a building called Kobuntei, and you will enter into a beautiful view of the sun.

Of course, what route is right, but following the legitimate route described by Naraki will give you the essence of Kairakuen.

Kobuntei, the entrance to the world of the sun

If you dive through the middle gate in the park, you will turn from the shadow world and the sun will spread right in front of you. You will be greeted at the entrance to this sunny world by Kobuntei.

It is said that Tokugawa Naraki himself designed it. Kyobuntei consists of a three-story main building and a one-story back palace. It is ingenious everywhere.

It is said that Nariaki, who created Kairakuen with the wish of making it a place to enjoy together, gathered people from the territory at Kobuntei and held a poetry party. At Kyobuntei, you can enjoy the flowers that bloom in each season and the snowy landscape in winter.

The tasteful landscape would have sparked people’s creativity at poetry gatherings.


Kairaku-en is one of the three major gardens, and the yin and yang sides balance exquisitely and create a world of beautiful harmony.

The nature weaving in seasons shows different aspects in spring, summer, autumn and winter, and each shows different beauty.

Why not visit it once?