Feel like a ninja! Let’s go to Iga

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When you hear “Ninja”, what image do you think of?

Historically, they were often referred to as “shinobi”, dressed like ordinary people, and it is said that their primary task was to collect and communicate information about their enemies to their lord.

Since the 1950s, when novels, movies, and manga became popular, the term “ninja” became known.

Since then, it has been said that their image of dressing in black costumes and killing enemies one after another with shuriken has become generally known.

Speaking of ninjas, in addition to the two major powers of Iga style in Mie prefecture and Kouka style in Shiga prefecture, Togakushi style in Nagano prefecture is famous.

It is said that Iga City and Kouka City are adjacent to each other across the prefecture, are close to Kyoto, are surrounded by forest, and are suitable for training. Ninjutsu is said to have been handed down since ancient times.

Iga City, Mie Prefecture, which has the “Iga Ninja Museum” introduced in this article, declared the “Ninja City” in February 2017, and uses ninjas in urban development.

Mie University also established the International Ninja Research Center in the same year, and is working to disseminate ninja images based on historical materials.

There are spots where you can experience ninjas in large cities such as Tokyo and Osaka, but this time we will focus on Iga, the origin of ninjas, and introduce its charm and depth.

Source : https://style.nikkei.com/article/DGXMZO36638310Y8A011C1W03000?channel=DF140920160941&nra

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Why “Iga”?

Iga Ueno Castle

Ninjas have a long history, and there is a theory that in the era of Prince Shotoku, a person named Otomomno Sabito worked like a ninja, but in the case of Iga, the Kamakura period It is said that the theory originated from the “villain” that occurred in the manor.

The “villains” are those who are originally indigenous landlords who have acted rebelliously against temples and manor estates, which are noble territories.

They used tactics such as surprise attack and disturbance to the manor lord.

Some of the villains have been involved in Shugendo, so they may have learned the tactics of Yamabushi and gathered information as a pioneer when traveling around.

In addition, around Iga, there are many places related to training, such as Mt. Lingshan, Mt. Kasagi, and Akame Shijuhachi Waterfall, and there is a background that the religion to Ennogyoja was prosperous.

This tactic has been handed down from generation to generation and is now being passed on as ninjutsu.

Source : http://iganinja.jp/2007/12/post-43.html

What is Ninja’s daily life and wisdom? Learn the ninja world

At Ninja Mansion, a reconstructed and rebuilt Dogo mansion (a home of a local influential person), a ninja costume guide will guide you through various karakuri.

You take off your shoes from the narrow entrance of the Ninja mansion and enter a quaint kitchen or tatami room.

You will be excited because you can listen to the explanation while watching the actual shelves, where the shelves under the ceiling are actually hidden stairs, or the walls are hidden doors and they are connected outside.

20160612伊賀流 忍者博物館 紹介 (伊賀市)

At Ninja Tradition Museum, you can learn about ninjutsu, which is useful in today’s world, such as cryptography, nine-letter writing, and humanism.

In addition, the contents of Ninja’s ancient documents are explained scientifically, and examples of ninja’s daily life and wisdom are also introduced.

By the way, the building of this tradition building is part of Nagakura (Yonegura), where rice was stored at that time, and is a valuable surviving building of Ueno Castle in Iga.

Source : https://sekigaharamap.com/iganinjya/

You can throw a real shuriken! Ninja experience

At the Ninjutsu Experience Hall, you can watch videos of Iga Ninja secretly infiltrating Ueno Castle.

Learn how they can sneak into the castle and escape from it without anyone knowing, the tools they used to carry out the operation in the process, and try some of them can do.

There are over 400 ninja tools on display, including real shurikens used at the time.

If you are passionate about throwing shuriken, please try to participate in the All Japan Ninja Shuriken Championship.



It is a tournament aimed at making shuriken, a synonym of ninja, into a sport that can be enjoyed by everyone.

Source : https://www.iganinja.jp/

Powerful! Ninjutsu show

At the ninjutsu show by the Iga ninja special group “Ashura”, you can use the ninja tools that were actually used at the time and see how they were used.

Ninja tools such as shuriken, sword, and chain sickle appear, and a powerful show will be held in front of you.

Since the show time is fixed, it is recommended to check in advance. Please note that there is an additional charge for viewing the show.



The world of “Shinobi” is still deep! Please visit Ninja City / Iga and see and listen with your own eyes to learn and experience.


Iga Ninja Museum
addresse : 117 Ueno Marunouchi, Iga City, Mie Prefecture
Tel : 0595-23-0311
Opening hours: 9: 00-17: 00 (* Admission is closed at 16:30)
Closed: 12/29-1/1
Admission fee: Adult (high school students and above): 800 yen / Child (4 years old-junior high school student): 500 yen
(There is group rate, person with a disability rate)
Access: 10 minutes on foot from Iga Railway “Ueno-shi Station”
Web site : https://www.iganinja.jp/
Map :
